Hello everyone! Hope you are all ok! Are you as excited as I am? We are going to celebrate pancake day today! (Even though it is next week). Normally in class we would be busy cooking up a storm with some of the most delicious pancake ingredients known to man but unfortunately Miss Daniels and Mrs Burke have forgotten the ingredients for our pancakes! Watch the video below - we need your help to write a new shopping list for our pancakes! Do you know what the ingredients are for a good pancake? Can you write your own shopping list to help us and we might just be able to make it to Asda before lunch time to get the right ingredients!
Design a Pancake
Below are some different ingredients you can put on top of your pancake. We are all different and we all like different foods. Which toppings do you think you would like on your pancake? Cut and stick the ingredients onto your pancake or draw a picture. Can you label the foods on your pancake?
W - w-w-worm
Today we are investigating the sound 'w'. Watch the video below and then go and practise writing 'w' with felt pens. Remember to have your whiteboard ready or your paper and pencil.

red words 2.mp4

Maths Challenge - Matching Pairs

Matching Pairs
Word of the Week
This week our word of the week is 'enormous'. Can you find and take pictures of some things that are enormous? Explore the meaning of this word with your child. Which characters in their favourite books are enormous? Which animals can they think of that are enormous? Which buildings? What is the opposite of enormous? Can you write a word map of other words we use instead of enormous. This will help to increase your child's vocabulary.