Celebration Assembly
Week 2 -
Star of the week - Rose for putting her hand up all week and having a fantastic attitude.
Good work - Olly for trying so hard with his numbers up to 7 and for doing extra work.
British Value Card - Ebonie (Tolerance card) for trying hard to get her B and D the correct way round.
Phonics Star - Elsa for creating her own phonics game at home.
Week 3 -
Star of the week - Lucii for being a superstar with all of her work.
Good work - Penny, for her incredible rock pool.
British Value Card - Lorna (Individual liberty) for always making myself and Mrs Thornton laugh on the live lessons and for constantly putting her hand up.
Phonics Star - Alex for trying really hard his phonics rhyming words.
Week 4 -
Star of the week - Jake for improving his handwriting and producing the most amazing writing piece of the maze.
Good work - Georgia for her amazing work with her phonics and for matching her sounds up.
British Value Card - Kyleson, the tolerance card. Kyleson has kept on trying with his work and I can not believe the standard that he is writing at now.
Phonics Star - Blake for always giving new sounds a try and for blending so beautifully.
Week 5 -
Star of the week - Dylan for being so smiley all the time and trying his best with all of his work.
Good Work - Wyatt for his amazing letter to Specsavers.
British Value Card - Rosie was awarded the Individual Liberty card for always having such a fantastic attitude towards her lessons.
Phonics Star - Brooklyn is my phonics star for trying so hard with his spellings in his phonics lessons.
Week 6 -
Star of the week - All of blossom class! I have been so proud of the progress they have made this half term and how quickly they have adjusted to being online.
Good Work - Oscar completed an amazing piece of writing yesterday about giving the treasure back to the king and queen.
British Value Card - Hilary was awarded the rule of law card for trying so hard with her lessons.
Phonics Star - Mia for giving it 100% in every lesson, well done!
Star of the half term - Lucii Batley Hewitt. For giving it 100% every day and for always coming on the live steam with a smile on her face. I am so proud of the progress she has made this half term. Well done!
Art Gallery - Blake and Jake for their amazing Kandinsky work.