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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Look what I’ve found!

Still image for this video

Well, I've had a look at some pictures of  dinosaurs and have noticed how different they all are.  Some have long necks and others have long tails. Some walk on  two legs and others on four.  Some have spikes, plates, horns and even wings!  Have a look at pictures of different dinosaurs and have a go at drawing one.  Which one are you going to draw first?  Can you say it's name? some of the dinosaur names are very long and tricky to say.  

Remember to take photos of your picture and send it to  so that we can see your fabulous pictures. 

Dinsosuar footprints

One of the skills young children need to grasp in early understanding of number is being able to recognise small amounts without needing to count.    We often do this when rolling  dice, we don't need to count the spots we learn to identify 2 dots as 2 etc.  


Encourage your child to say the number of dinosaur footprints that they see in each group.

If you do have dice at home, use them to play games, rolling the die and saying how many spots they see.   



At school on Monday some children were interested to see the dinosaur prints we were making using carrots and potatoes!    

We could see that the footprint shapes had been cut into the carrot and potato and when we dipped it in paint we could make some good prints.   

Ask a grown up to have a go at making some dinosaur feet printers from carrots or potatoes for you.  If you have paint, that's great, but if not you could make up your own mixture to print with. I used coffee and tea to make a paste.  

It's good fun, have a go and please take a picture to share with us,  we would love to see your prints. 

Please send it to