Autumn 1
Autumn 1
This half term in Class 3, we will be going on our first adventure of the year.
We will be going on a journey to Greece and have already got stuck straight in with researching and learning all about the Geography of Greece and the Islands.
Our Big Fat Greek Adventure!
Now that our adventure has come to an end we can fill you in on all of the exciting things we have done this half term!
First we made our passports so that we were allowed to travel to Greece. Before we arrived we had to research the geography of Greece and the islands in order for us to decide which island was best for us to arrive.
We located Greece on a map and used the computers to conduct our research. We learnt what currency is used and how many people live in various different cities.
We then got to work as a group to research a separate Greek island. We collected all of our ideas and pitched our island to the class Dragon's Den style! We were all hoping that our island would be the one to get chosen.
Once we had pitched our ideas, we voted. As a class we decided to go to... KARPATHOS!
Once we arrived in Greece we took a trip to the beach.
We couldn't believe what we were seeing - it was amazing. We closed our eyes and as if we were there, felt the sand in our toes and the sea breeze in our hair.
At the beach we met a little boy called Nikos. He was very friendly and he was 7, but he was feeling down because his family were poor and could no longer afford the upkeep of their house. He took us there and it was a sad sight. An amazing, old, family house that was crumbling around them.
We did artwork based on an artist called Anselm Kiefer who sketches broken buildings.
He really needed our help and we decided we would be the ones to help him! His family were in a predicament - do they stay on the island in their crumbling family home, or do they move to the crowded city of Athens?
One of our favourite things was having a class debate! We were spilt into teams and we formed arguments for and against staying on the island. We were very professional and we even voted at the end.
We voted to ... STAY! We decided that the arguments for staying on the island and helping Nikos and his family restore their family house back to its former glory was far better than moving to the crowded, polluted, city far away from friends and family.
We brainstormed and came up with lots of amazing ideas for how we were going to help Nikos and we eventually decided that we were going to open a fantastic, gleaming, brand new hotel. The house would be transformed and the grounds would be olive trees once more!
We also enjoyed learning all about sound in Science. We went on a sound hunt around the school and found some excited sound sources. We even found things that made sound that we would never have thought of! We did this in preparation for designing and creating our very own Greek musical instruments.
Once we had created our Greek instruments, we moved on to Greek food!!
We made fresh, juicy green salad, delicious meaty lamb stew, and for pudding we had Koulourakia which were traditional Greek cookies!
We listed all of the things we would need to prepare, including food, music and art.
We invited all of our family in to come to the Grand Hotel opening! It was a roaring success and every morsel of food got devoured. We make posters, leaflets, table mats and food menus ready for the opening.
The hotel was open and Nikos and his family were over the moon at how much we had managed to turn their lives around.
The following day, we wrote a diary entry so that in years to come, we will always be able to remember our big fat Greek adventure!