Friday 8th January
Friday 8th January 2021
Hi everyone - it's Friday!! We've made it to the end of one of the strangest weeks ever! On Monday, we were all as normal in school and today, we're all experts on Teams and are doing brilliantly working at home. I am so impressed with the work I am receiving, the contributions I'm getting in lessons from children (I thought I'd get absolute silence whenever I asked a question, but I'm getting loads of responses which is brilliant), and all of the effort parents are putting in at home to support all of this. You all really have been amazing and I hope you have a relaxing weekend in the safest way you can that the rules allow!
It's the last day of this week so this is what I'd like us to do today...
Guided Reading (10.30am)
We're going to look at voice 3 today. Voice 3 is a good one because it unlocks lots of the things we were questioning in voice 1 and 2. In the live lesson, I'll read voice 3 and as always I've put a video of me reading it below if you want to listen to it back or you missed the live lesson. We're going to be carrying on with our skill of the week of inference and thinking about voice 3 and the environment they are in. In the live lesson, I'll model an activity I'd like the children to do where they are thinking about the environment (setting) of a story. Then, the attached activities will allow them to have a practice of doing that for the different scenes in voice 3.
Adventure (anytime)
Your skyscrapers on Purple Mash are amazing guys! They look absolutely brilliant. But, to be real designers, we need to complete the cycle. We've designed, we've made but now the final stage to being an architect is to evaluate them. So, what I'd like you to think about is what went well when you were designing and making your skyscraper and I'd like you to list 2 things that went well (you can do it on the sheet below). Then, if you were going to do it again, what would you do differently to improve. I've attached an example below of mine thinking about what I would change if I was to do it again.
If possible, can you also build your skyscraper using things at home?! I'd love to see some pictures of them if you can build them with items around your home.
If you also have time (don't worry if not), we're moving on in our adventure next week and we're going somewhere else in America. All I'm going to say for now is: YOGI BEAR! If you want to, you could maybe start to find out where Yogi Bear lives and that might give you a bit of a clue as to next week.....
Writing (1pm)
As we have finished our setting descriptions now, I'd like you to have a little practice at some spelling and handwriting today. In the live lesson, I will do an input talking about the prefix im and how we can use it to change the meaning of words. Then, on the document below there are some activities for you to do thinking about some of those words and the meanings. At the bottom of this page too, there is a video of me showing you how to do some of the handwriting joins we have been practicing in school. As we're looking at the im prefix, I'd like you to follow along to my video and have a go at practicing your handwriting this afternoon. If you have lined paper that would be brilliant, but if not maybe somebody at home could draw some lines on blank paper for you.
Maths (9am)
My group, we'll be looking at 1, 10 and 100 more and thinking about which column changes each time. In the live lesson, I'll show you this using lots of different equipment and we'll look at some examples of how it can be represented. Then, you need to complete the attached sheet which is thinking about 1, 10 and 100 more of different numbers which are represented again in different ways.
Voice 3
