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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Autumn 2

Week 1


This week we are focussing on learning about number 2. We have looked at counting out 2 objects, the numeral, the composition of 2 and how to calculate 2 (1+1)


Week 2


This week we have been looking at number 3. We have looked at counting out 3 objects, the numeral, the composition of 3 and how to calculate 3 (1+1+1, 2+1, 1+2)

Week 3 & 4


This week we are looking at number 4. We are focussing on counting out 4 objects, the numeral, the composition of 4 and how to calculate 4 (1+1+1+1, 2+1+1, 1+1+2, 3+1, 2+2, 1+3) 


We are also looking at 2D shapes and which shapes have 4 sides and corners as well as comparing them to other 2D shapes.

Week 5 & 6


This week we are looking at number 5. We are focussing on counting out 5 objects, the numeral, the composition of 5 and how to calculate 5 within problems.


For example: I have 2 pencils but I need 5. How many more pencils do I need?


Week 7


This week we are looking at finding one more or one less than a number. We are focussing on finding one more or one less practically using numbers to 5 however some children have wanted to extend their learning by using numbers to 10 if they are familiar with the numerals 6 to 10.