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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Wednesday 20th January

Maths - 


Today we are going to be using a number line again, this time with subtraction (taking away). When we take away our total becomes smaller and we jump backwards on he number line.  Have a go at working out the answers to the questions below. 

Writing - 


Today we are going to write a setting description of going into the lost lagoon. I want you all to really focus on your handwriting today, so I will be looking at your tall letters, small letters and below the line letters. In a description you need to include adjectives (describing words). 

Watch the video below to give you ideas about what you can write about, think about;

The animals (colours, size)

The plants 

The sounds you can hear. 


11 HOURS Stunning 4K Underwater footage + Music | Nature RelaxationTM Rare & Colorful Sea Life Video


Spellings - 







History - 


We are going to look at who Queen Elizabeth is today. She currently rules our country and is part of the royal family. I would like you to write a fact file about who she is and what she does for our country. There is a writing frame below to use and a video to give you lots of facts. 

Who is Queen Elizabeth II? | Fun Facts for Kids | Educational Videos: US History for Students

Do you know who Queen Elizabeth II is? If you don't watch this mini-biography for kids about Queen Elizabeth II. Join us as we take you through a trip down m...

Reading - 


The story today is The Greatest Gymnast of all. 

The Greatest Gymnast of all

Still image for this video