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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Olly has been working on his numbers to 10. He played a matching game and tried really hard. Good work Olly!

Olly - Bigger and Smaller

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We looked at more and fewer today. We learnt that when there is more of something the group is bigger and when there is less, the group is smaller.
Mia has been working really hard with her numbers up to 20, focussing on more than and less than. 
Georgia did amazing maths work today. She was recreating patterns and was so confident at it she even used three colours!
Jake created his own 1 more and 1 less game. He put numbers up to 20 on the floor and then his mum asked him whats one more than a certain number, he then had to find the number that was one more on the floor. Why not have a go at doing it yourselves!

Jake - 1 more and 1 less

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We looked at splitting up our teen numbers today into tens and ones. 

Mia - Counting in 2's

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