Hi Blossom!
We're back in another lockdown, just like we were last year. This means we have to stay inside and can't come to school sadly. I know I will miss all of you lots but don't worry, I will still be teaching you every day on my laptop instead.
There will be three lessons a day, phonics, maths and writing. These lessons will take place at: 9am, 10.30am and 1pm. Please use your teams log in that was sent home to access the live stream. If you need help please feel free to email me. There will also be additional adventure work set each day for you to complete. Worksheets and additional resources can be found under the day you are working on.
I would love to see all of the amazing work that you produce, send it to my email at
Here are some extra websites to go on to keep you busy! - How many books do you think you can read? I wonder how many stickers you will end up getting?
If you go onto phonicsplay you can do lots of phonics activities for free. It would be great for your child to go on this as they play it at school so will know how it works.
log in - jan21
password - home
The website below will direct you to a science page where you will find lots of activities to do which are suited to their age range.
Summer 2 -