Class 3
Welcome to Class 3!
We hope that you all had a lovely break and are now ready to get stuck straight back in.
Myself (Miss Fraser) and Miss Mac are very excited about this year and about all the learning that will be taking place in and out of our classroom. We are looking forward to learning about the children and watching them learn through our new exciting curriculum.
Keep your eyes peeled for more information on what is going on in Class 3 and for important dates that may be coming up during each half term.
Find our adventure pages below.
Homework, Spellings, Reading and Times Tables
Each week there will be 2 pieces of homework sent home. 1 will be maths based and the other will be related to our adventure for that half term.
Spellings will be completed on a Thursday morning and will be changed every two weeks. The spellings that the children get correct will be highlighted to clearly show the children which ones may need more practice for the second test.
Times tables will be completed on a Thursday morning. If your child completes each question correctly they will be moved onto the next level on their times tables mountain and will receive a star sticker to show what they have achieved.
Each child will read their reading book to an adult at school during the week.
Spellings, reading books, times tables books and homework will all be sent home on a Friday. We ask that this is returned by the following Thursday as this gives us chance to change everything necessary.
P.E Days
Class 3 have P.E on a Tuesday and Friday.