Summer 1
Week 1:
This week we have been extending our mathematical knowledge by looking at numbers beyond 10. An important part of our understanding within these lessons is that the 1 in the numerals represents one 10 not just 1. We have looked at representing these numbers and compositions on 10 frames, in arrays and using the part, part whole model.

Week 2:
This week we have been continuing to extend our mathematical knowledge by looking at numbers beyond 10 again. An important part of our understanding within these lessons was remembering that the 1 in the numeral represents 10. We have looked at representing these numbers and compositions on 10 frames, in arrays and using the part, part whole model.

Week 3:
This week we have been continuing to extend our mathematical knowledge by looking more closely at numbers 19 and 20. An important part of our understanding within these lessons was remembering that the 1 in 19 represents 1 10 and then in 20 there are 2 10s.

Week 4:
This week we have been looking at addition and using the first, then, now sentence stem to organise and sequence our learning. eg. First there were 4 people, then 8 more arrived. Now there are 12 people on the bus.

Week 5:
This week we have been looking at addition and using the first, then, now sentence stem to organise and sequence our learning. However this week we have been concentrating on how to find out what number has been added to the (then) part when we have seen how many there have been first and now how many there are after an unknown quantity has been added.

Week 6:
This week we have been looking at what subtraction is. We now know that if we subtract, we take it away. We used our first, then, now sentences from last week to help us organise our speech to explain this. Some of us then decided to challenge ourselves further and write down our calculations.