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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Please practice the spellings that were sent home on Friday. If you have done this, you may practice the words below that use the -ed suffix.






Can you think of any other words that have the -ed suffix. 


I will be delivering a phonics lesson at 9.30. Please make sure your child has paper and a pen for the spellings part of the lesson.


You should all have the Maths workbook I have given you to take home, please complete the work today in the book. Can you also check your work from yesterday to make sure you finished it as the end of the day was slightly chaotic and I didn't get to check everyone's books.


We are going to be continuing with numbers to 100. Today, you will be making number patterns; counting forwards and backwards. You may use a number line to help you and also your times tables when counting forward and backwards in 10s.


This week grey, black and white crayon have decided to stay in Antarctica where they feel they will be used more for penguins, seals and snow. Yesterday we wrote adverts persuading the other crayons to holiday with us on the coldest continent on earth. Today I would like you to write an invitation inviting the crayons to a party in Antarctica. 

Invitations need to include a few key things:

  • Dear/From

  • Date

  • Time

  • Place

  • What will be there? What will you have for your guests to enjoy?


Dear Pink Crayon

I would like to invite you to a party for all colours. 

Date: 25th March 2021

Time: 5 oclock

Place: Igloo number 5, left at the iceberg.

There will be performing penguins.....


Please make sure you apply all the skills we have been learning throughout year 1 - capital letters (months, names, new sentences), 'and', adjectives, full stops and beautiful handwriting.


For your adventure today I would like you to have a think about what you might take to Antarctica; The coldest, windiest and driest continent on Earth.

There are lots of risks to visiting such a dangerous continent (animals/weather etc). Make sure you think about keeping yourself warm and safe - how can you make sure you are sheltered?