Autumn 1: A Pinch of Magic
Our adventure this term is based on the story 'Leon and the Place Between'. It is a lovely book about the magic of the circus, and what can you happen if you believe. We will be learning all about the circus and spend time exploring the themes and beauty within the text.
Our song this term is 'This is Me' from the Greatest Showman! (One of Miss Cunningham's favourite films....)
In Art, the children studied the work of Guiseppe Arcimboldo and used his art as inspiration for our own faces made of circus food.

In Music, we used paper plates as drums and had a go at creating our own rhythm using a series of notes. We called these notes 'tea', 'coffee', 'juuiiice'...
The children loved having a go at creating their own rhythms and expressing themselves creatively.
We have been working hard to think of sound words for the circus that we will use in our poems this week. We have learnt some new vocabulary that we are calling 'westwood wizard words'. This week's words are clatter, screech, clunk and rattle!

Have a look at our final sound poems below!

Today we had a visit from a character in our story; Abdul Khazam! He performed a magic show for our class and we will use this as a base for our diary entry at the end of this week.

In Science we have been learning how to research using secondary sources. We spent time discussing which animals have live young and which animals have eggs. The children then chose their own animal to research using ipads.
Our hook for writing this week was a journey through the box to the place between! We played the role of 'Leon' and had a go at being curious and adventurous. We crawled through the darkness to see what magic we could find.

In Art we have been learning about primary and secondary colours. We had a go at creating our own colour wheel by mixing primary colours.

In Science, we have been learning about how day length varies throughout the year. We learnt about the sun and how the earth rotates. We used this learning to create shadow puppets!
It's time to create an advert persuading other people to join us in the magical box, but first we need to know - what makes a good persuasive advert?
Wow! What an amazing day we had with Sensible circus. We learnt 3 new tricks and loved watching Peter Sensible perform.