Week 6 Activities
Day 1 - Reading
I know that you will have all been reading your own stories at home with your family but for today I want you to pick a book to read from this website. It has stories on it just like the ones that you read at school! Once you have read the story, can you either write about it or draw a picture to show me what happened in the story?
Day 2 - Writing / Art
Can you create a menu for your family? What you would have as your main, I think I would pick a roast dinner! What about your pudding, will you decide on ice cream or cake? Pick whatever you like and then you can draw a picture of each food next to it. Use the template below.
Day 3 - PE
See if you can follow this workout, it is the same one that we do at school sometimes! Make sure you do the Wake up Shake up song first to get your body ready!
Day 4 - Maths
Can you create a number grid up to 40, just like the one below? See if you can form your numbers the right way. Once you have done this, pick a random number on the grid. Then can you work out what one more and one less of that number is?
Day 5 - History
What can you remember about the Great Fire of London? Can you act out the story to your family? Remember Samuel and how he hid his wine and cheese so it wouldn’t get burnt!