Mental Health Awareness Day
On Monday 10th October 2022 Westwood celebrated World Mental Health Day. All staff were dressed as different emojis as the theme was Hello Yellow. Each class took time to do activities based around improving our mental health. At the start of the day a welbeing assembly was held and the Westwood Welbeing Self Help Helf was launched. The childern also learnt the number for childline. Here is a link to the assembly and the video the chidlren watched:
During the assembly the children learnt ther number for Childline so they could use this number to talk to a trusted adult if school is closed and they do not feel they can talk to family members. The number is demionstarted by Millie:
Childline number

The children talked about feelings and emotions throughout the day and some of the chidlren made wellbeing posters to remind children of ways they can think positively.