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Westwood Primary School

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Maths No Problem

In Maths this week we have started to look at the different types of angles with a focus on right angles! To start this lesson, we created our very own right angle tester and search the classroom for right angles. 

To start the week, we were given a number of counters and had to divide them equally into groups. This prompted our chapter and work in division.
We have started our work on division in Maths! After understanding it is the opposite of multiplication we made a range of division and multiplication facts and displayed them in different ways.
Carrying on with division we were given 24 counters and had 2 minutes to divide them up into 8 equal groups. We discussed how this linked to when we looked at the 8x table and From this we created division and multiplication facts. Next week we will be moving on to using our multiplication and division knowledge to answer word problems.