Monday 1st February
Monday 1st February 2021
Guided Reading - live on Teams at 10.30am
To help us with our writing this week where we are writing a short story, in Guided Reading we are going to look at a different short story every day this week. Today, we're focussing on vocabulary to make our writing a little more interesting. Read the text below called 'Robin Hood and Little John'. In the live lesson, we'll discuss the text and talk about whether we think it is a good short story or not. Then, there are some vocabulary style questions for you to answer at the bottom, thinking really carefully about the words the author has chosen. This will help you write your stories later this week.
R.E - anytime
Watch the video below of Mr Hayes explaining what to do in today's R.E lesson. We'd like you to go through the PowerPoint and find out about all the different religious ceremonies. Then, on the attached sheet, you need to write what religion that wedding is from and then some information about a wedding in that religion. You will find all of the information on the PowerPoint.
Handwriting - anytime
From today, I'll be uploading a daily handwriting lesson which will include a follow along video and an activity to have a go at. This can be found on the Handwriting/spelling tab on the home learning home page for Mulberry.
Writing - live on Teams at 1pm
Get yourself comfortable and get some snacks - today we're going to a film premiere in Hollywood!! In the live lesson, we'll watch the film together and discuss it and then for your activity today I'd like you to create a story map of this film. You can watch the film again below and there are some examples of story maps below as well. You need to pick out the key parts of the story and create a picture or symbol which represents it. You should be able to retell the story using the story map. If you want to have a go at retelling it using your pictures, you could have a go and send me a video of you doing it!
A message from the director of the film...

Maths - live on Teams at 9.15am
Today we're going to look at the column method of subtraction where we have to do exchanges and renaming. I will demonstrate this in the live lesson and there is also a video below. Then, you need to have a go at the workbook pages attached below.