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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Part 2 - Not Your Typical Dragon

Yesterday we explored the first part of the tale of 'Not your typical dragon', with Crispin dragon. Watch the rest of the story below and then have a think about how Crispin was feeling at the start of the story. Was he happy or sad? What are some other feelings we can have - do you know what confused means? Can you explore some different words for feelings with your parents and talk about their meanings. How did Crispin feel at the end of the story. 

Can you have a go at writing the sentence.

He felt ................

Not Your Typical Dragon part 2

Still image for this video


Today we are exploring the sound 'nk' - 'I think I stink'. Can you complete the worksheet and then can you write a list of words that have the 'nk' special friends at the end?

'nk'- 'I think I stink'

Still image for this video

Green Words

Still image for this video

Red Words





Design a knights Shield 

Can you design and make a knights shield just in case Crispin's dad breathes out more fire. Shields were used to protect knights from incoming objects such as swords. Here are some ideas below for you inspiration. 

Maths - counting down from 10.

Can you practice counting backwards from 10? You could use the number tracks you made last week or you might choose to make a number track on the ground in your garden and jump down the numbers starting at 10.


Ten in the Bed

Have fun learning counting and numbers with this classic nursery rhyme favorite!Subscribe for new videos every week:

Ten fat sausages

Suitable for teaching 0-5s. An animated and subtitled version of the popular nursery rhyme, 'Ten fat sausages'.Subscribe for more Early Years clips from BBC ...

Ten fat sausages sizzling in a pan... can you use items in your house to represent 10 sausages and sing along as you count down from 10 to 0.

Maths Activity