Welcome to Mulberry Class
A huge welcome to our class page. Here you will find all the information you need about our class. Also, have a look through all the sub-pages (at the bottom) as they will show you some of the fabulous activities that have been going on at school this year.
A few things to know
PE will be taking place this year on a Monday. All children must make sure they have the correct PE kit in school on this day. For children in Year 4, they will also be swimming on Mondays so should come to school with their swimming kit as well.
Homework will be sent home on a Friday, which will consist of an activity related to their Adventure, some Maths work and a list of spellings to learn. All homework should be returned to school for the following Thursday when we will also be having a spelling test. We will also be continuing to do our Times Table Mountain every Thursday so we always encourage the children to practice their times tables at home regularly.
Reading books and records will also be sent home on a Friday and will need to be returned on a Tuesday. Mr Ashford or Mrs Thompson will then listen to the children read sometime in the week and these will then be sent out again the next Friday.
In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to speak to us before or after school or make an appointment. We will also update you regularly on ParentMail about anything that is going on in school.