Spring 1
Week 1:
This week we have been learning about zero. He have learnt about the 0 beside another number acts as a place holder and when we count backwards from 1 it means 'none' or 'no more left'.
Week 2:
This week we have been learning about number six! We have been exploring how to create the quantity and matching this to the numeral. Now we are familiar with number 1 - 6, we have been practising our subitising during dice games. (This means recognising the quantity of dots without having to count the total)

Week 3:
This week we have been learning about number seven! We have been exploring how to create the quantity and matching this to the numeral. We have also been continuing our learning on how to combine two amounts to create one larger total. We have used loose parts, counters and numicon to support us practically. Some of us are beginning to record this too.

Week 4:
This week we have been learning about number eight! We have been exploring how to create the quantity and matching this to the numeral. We also had a look at pairs and what this means. We were able to match pairs up and then create our own.

Week 5:
This week we are learning how to double. We know that double means twice as many. We have looked at how to double using resources to help us and some of us are now able to recall some doubles!
Week 6:
This week we are consolidating our knowledge on capacity and mass. We have been using our mathematical vocabulary to describe the capacity in different shape and sized containers. We have then extended our learning by comparing the quantity of various resources and how many of something it takes to fill the containers.