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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Blossom & Cherry

Pupils will explore travelling actions, movement skills and balancing. They will understand why it is important to count to music and use this in their dances. Pupils will copy and repeat actions linking them together to make short dance phrases. Pupils will work individually and with a partner to create ideas in relation to the theme. Pupils will be given the opportunity to perform and also to provide feedback, beginning to use dance terminology to do so.


Key Skills:


Physical: travel, copying and performing actions, using shape, balance, co-ordination

Social: co-operation, communication, coming to decisions with a partner, respect

Emotional: confidence, acceptance

Thinking: counting, observing and providing feedback, selecting and applying actions


Pupils explore space and how their body can move to express and idea, mood, character or feeling. They expand their knowledge of travelling actions and use them in relation to a stimulus. They will build on their understanding of dynamics and expression. They will use counts of 8 consistently to keep in time with the music and a partner. Pupils will also explore pathways, levels, shapes, directions, speeds and timing. They will be given the opportunity to work independently and with others to perform and provide feedback beginning to use key terminology.


Key Skills:

  • Physical: travel, copying and performing actions, using dynamics, pathway, expression and speed, balance, coordination
  • Social: respect, consideration, sharing ideas, decision making with others
  • Emotional: acceptance, confidence
  • Thinking: selecting and applying actions, counting, observing and providing feedback, creating