Thursday 28th January
Thursday 28th January 2021
Guided Reading - live on Teams at 10.30am
Today, we're going to be using the information in the text to answer some questions where the answers are right in front of us and some where we use our inference skills. These questions are similar to what you get on a reading test in school and you'll need the text in front of you as well. Like in a reading test, the questions will be in order that you will find the answers in the text. You'll need to use your scanning skills so you are not reading every single bit multiple times and just look out for key words. I'll demonstrate this skill in the live lesson.
Science - anytime
Now that we know about the different types of skeletons and the bones in a human skeleton, today we're going to think about why humans have a skeleton. Go through the PowerPoint with the information and there are also some links to different videos for you to watch. Then, on the sheet you need to follow the instructions to identify which parts of the skeleton help it to perform it's 3 main functions.
Spelling lesson - please complete BEFORE 1pm
Below are some screenshots with some information about adding '-ly' to create adverbs. Have a look through the information and then there is a handwriting activity for you to have a go at. This will help you with our work for writing this afternoon.
Writing - live on Teams at 1pm
Today, we're going to write the method (what to do) section of our instructions. During the live lesson, we'll talk about imperative verbs and adverbs and we'll write the first step of each instruction (either pancakes or headdresses) together. Then, I'd like you to write the rest of your instructions for that part. Remember to leave a line in between each step and don't forget to put a number in the margin. Make the instructions really specific - remember someone else is going to be following these so they need to know EXACTLY what they have to do.
Our spelling test will also take place in this live lesson - please have a pencil/pen and piece of paper for the start of the lesson.
Maths - live on Teams at 9.15am
Today we're going to look at the expanded method of subtraction where we break everything up really small and then we have easier numbers to work with. If you missed the live lesson, watch the video below because it can get quite confusing doing it this way because we have to add and subtract! I'll do lots of examples of this in the live lesson and then you guys need to have a go at the sheet attached.
Mr Cooper's Maths Group - Times Tables Quiz
As we would have done your times tables test in school today, before you start the maths work, please complete the 5 TIMES TABLE activities below to keep your practicing with your times tables.