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Wednesday 20th January 2021

Wednesday 20th January


Guided Reading (10.30am)

To help us further understand our text ‘The Accidental Prime Minister’, today we’re going to spend a bit of time thinking about our Prime Minister. This will also help us with our writing this week when thinking about biographies. Today, we’re going to read a biography about Boris Johnson. We’ll be thinking about retrieval and inference questions and again need to focus on getting our answers into full sentences. In the live lesson, we’ll hear some of the children’s manifesto’s (so if your child has written a manifesto they would like to share with the rest of the class, make sure they’re logged onto the live at 10.30am!). Then, they will need to read the information about Boris Johnson and answer the questions in full sentences! 


Science (anytime)

We are now moving on to our new science topic – which is all about animals and humans and what they eat and how they move! Watch the video below which explains the task for today to you and I have also done an example. Then, go through the PowerPoint to learn about the different food types. On the sheet you then need to match up the different food types to their purpose, then go and have a look in your kitchen cupboards and find the nutritional information of some of the foods in your house and write them down in a table!


Writing (1pm)

We’re going to start writing our biographies about Charles Darwin today. On the live lesson, we will write the introduction together so everybody will have the same introduction. We’ll make sure we include all of the features you discussed yesterday and we’ll also look closely at past tense verbs and replacing the proper nouns with pronouns to avoid repetition. Then, complete the quick SPAG activities below and then I’d like you to write the Early Life section of our Charles Darwin biography. That section should include information about where he went to school and what he studied. You should find that information on your timeline you completed on Monday. 


Maths (9.15am)

We’re going to go back a bit and have another look at this expanded method because some children struggled with this yesterday. Don’t worry though, with the column method, it’s practice which makes perfect. I’m going to show you another way to do the column method today which hopefully will be a bit clearer, then the children need to practice doing that on the sheet attached. 

Our shared writing introduction to our biographies - remember to avoid repetition, replace proper nouns with pronouns (he, his, him)


Charles Darwin was born on 12th February 1809. He was born in Shrewsbury which is in England. He was famous for being a scientist who was interested in nature and animals.  

Science lesson explanation

Still image for this video

Example of science task

Still image for this video