Tuesday 12th January 2021
Tuesday 12th January
Good morning! Hope everyone is doing okay at home! We are getting lots of people logging into the live lessons which is brilliant! However, I'm not receiving much work back which children have done after the live lessons and work that those logging in are completing. I have to keep a register of who logs in and who submits work just like we would in school, so please make sure work is getting sent through.
Guided Reading (10.30am)
Today, we are moving on to look at a new text. The text is called 'Yellowstone: A place of wild wonders'. This text is a non-fiction text which is full of information about Yellowstone National Park! Today, we're going to focus on summarising the text and picking out the key information. In the live lesson, I'll demonstrate summarising with another non-fiction text, and then I'd like the children to have a go at picking out 3 key points from each section of the text which summarises it.
Adventure (anytime)
If we were in school, we would have been going on a trip to the park today. Unfortunately, we can't do that. See below for the PowerPoint called Art to start to think about which park of Yellowstone National Park you would like to recreate using natural resources. I've done an example below to show you, and then I'd like you to design your outdoor art. Then, tomorrow I'd like you to go and create it! You could do it in your garden, you could do it in the park if you go out on a walk. But, today is planning day - so have a think about what you want to recreate and how you're going to do it!
Writing (1pm)
To give everybody a chance to catch up and make sure they have got lots of information about Yellowstone, we're going to pause our leaflet work today and come back to that tomorrow. If you've not done yesterdays adventure task, you need to find time to do that today because the information on that is important for our writing! Today, we'll do another handwriting and spelling lesson. In the live lesson, I'll go through the slides and talk about the spelling patterns and then there are a few activities for you to have a go at attached. The video below will also guide you with some more handwriting to practice.
Maths (9.15am)
Today, my group are moving on to look at addition. We'll have a quick recap of what addition is in the live lesson and then you need to have a go at the attached activities.
Handwriting - ascending letters