Angels, Magic and Miracles
After lunch time, we came inside to find a trail of glitter, one white feather and a story hanging from the ceiling!
Where have they come from? Who could it be?

We then found...
a photo of a witch
a photo of an angel
a photo of a magical creature called pegasus
Could it be one of these characters that had visited the classroom?
After reading the story that we found hanging down we decided Moz the alien must have made friends with an angel in the sky and told her about our school and now she has come to visit too!
In provision some of the children had a go at using their observational art skills to paint a portrait of Whoops a Daisy.

We also had a go at drawing and labelling a picture of whoops a daisy. We were super at trying to hear the initial sounds of the words.
eg. 'h' for halo.
Some of us took on an extra challenge and had a go at sounding out and writing the words.
Jesse was able to hear the sounds in watch "w-o-tch"

This afternoon we found Whoops a Daisy’s dress hung up with a note!
She was so upset that she couldn’t be the perfect angel wearing her dress because it was too big, too ripped and too messy!

Some of the children had an idea that we could design a nice new dress for her that would fit with no rips or mess on it. What do you think of our creative designs?

We had a go at writing about the new dress designs for Whoops a Daisy!
We hope she will like them!

Today Whoops a Daisy came to school! She tripped into our classroom in a panic. She had tried to bake a cake to say sorry to the other Angels for spilling the snowflakes on their dresses but it had gone wrong! It was all burnt and she wasn't even sure if she had put the right ingredients in!
We offered to help her and decided to start by writing an ingredient list that we could take to the shops!

We walked to the shops and found the ingredients on the shelves. We paid the shopkeeper for them and then brought them back to school ready to begin baking!

We followed the recipe carefully, measuring out the ingredients.

Once it was baked, we decided to decorate it beautifully!

On the first of December a parcel arrived! It said Birch Class on it!

We opened it up to find:
An Elf
A Santa Cam
An Advent Calendar
A Christmas Story
& A Note
The note was from Sam the Elf. He had been sent from Santa to watch over us and make sure that we are all going to be on the good list this year! Sam had brought us one of his favourite Christmas stories and said that he would keep bringing us a new story to read each day! As he watches over us each day, he will choose someone that has been good to go inside the advent calendar and just before Christmas he will report back to Santa! However, if we touch him, he looses his magic and will had to go back to the North Pole sooner!
He had a job for all of us to do. Santa is getting very busy and needs to know what will be on our Christmas lists so we all needed to write one!
Have a look at some of our Christmas wish lists below.

Whoops a Daisy Angel has been so busy getting ready for Christmas that she has caught a cold. The other angels have sent her to rest in bed with her favourite Christmas story The Nativity.
We decided to read it in class and talk about the characters. We discussed what they looked like and their jobs. Have a look at our fabulous writing!

Whoops a Daisy Angel was so happy! She was finally the most perfect Angel and sent us a letter to thank us for all of our help!