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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Maths No Problem!

At Westwood we follow the Maths No Problem scheme. This scheme adopts a hands on approach and tries to incorporate as many real life experiences as they can in lessons. 

Term 6

This term we have been working with our numbers to 100. We have been working hard to find one more and one less. We practised this by making a hundred square as big as the carpet and using a beanbag to choose a number. Then we had to find one more and one less than that number. 

Term 5



we have moved onto learning how to tell the time! Today we made our own clocks to help us understand what each of the hands do. We can show o’clock times as well!

This term we are learning what it means to multiply and divide (share). Now we can count in 2s, 5s and 10s, we will begin learning the concept behind multiplication and what it means to multiply groups of objects. 

Term 4


This term we have been learning to work with out numbers bigger than 20. We’ve started off this term counting in 10s (which we’re getting really good at!)


Look at some of our work!

This is a song we’ve been using to help us count in 10s :)

We’ve been learning our numbers to 40!

We have been solving word problems using our addition and subtracting skills.