Curriculum Intent and Implementation
Music Curriculum Statement of Intent
At Westwood we offer a high quality, engaging Music curriculum which is taught through the scheme ‘Charanga’. The curriculum offer has been well mapped out in order to ensure progression of the 4 key Musical Aims across year groups and key stages. We work closely with Artforms to provide the children with instrument lessons and external performance opportunities.
The teaching of Music remains high profile across school with Music being a prominent feature both in adventures and extra-curricular activities as well as part of the school celebrations. While at Westwood children learn to become confident singers and musicians learning and celebrating different musical cultures and backgrounds. Our Music curriculum will enthuse pupils to celebrate and play music throughout life equipping them with the skills to pursue a rich and diverse path in this subject should they choose to.
The children also have the opportunity to see a range of Musical Theatre performances throughout their time at Westwood and we are particularly proud of our annual Yr6 end of term performance which involves pupils learning Music and Drama.
to inspire the children. Children are taught glockenspiel from years 1 to 6 through Charanga music lessons. Children in KS2 receive specialist Music Tuition from Artforms learning a variety of instruments including guitar and ukulele and are taught how to use their voice expressively and using the inter-related dimensions.
To compose and create songs / music using typical structures and create rhythmic patterns. Show an awareness of timbre and duration, digital technology may be used to edit and refine pieces of music.
At Westwood children are taught about musical structure though listening and appraising in the first instance. We celebrate a ‘Composer of the Week’ every week and this is part of our drive to celebrate musical culture throughout school and expose the children to a diverse range of music. In the EYFS and Nursery children are taught to understand the structure of songs and exposed to vocabulary relating to structure i.e. verse and chorus. They are taught to repeat rhythmic patterns and understand the difference between rhythm and pulse. Children in Yr 1 are taught using the Charanga schemes of work which give a variety of opportunities to compose. Children are also engaged in literacy activities relating to poetry which in turn offer opportunities for songwriting. Children are encouraged to compose in partners in the first instance and then move on to composing as part of a larger group requiring team work and leadership skills. Children in KS2 will be encouraged to experiment with different patterns of sound and timbres, ordering and re-ordering sounds and using digital technology to record and evaluate their ideas.
To become confident readers of music, transcribing and using notation to compose and perform
In the EYFS children are exposed to Musical notation following song lyrics as they are highlighted in the board. Pictures of animals are used to represent the different note values and therefore get the children used to recognising some form of notation. In KS1 the teaching of the glockenspiel begins to expose the children to the musical stave and notes that sit on the stave and this is integrated with the pictures approach taken in the EYFS. The children are taught about pitch as part of their learning and the rhymes that accompany notes on the musical staff. In KS2 children are encouraged to become more familiar with the musical stave so that they can read more complex pieces of music once they begin to master the instruments being taught.
Through the use of Charanga, teachers are encouraged to test children’s knowledge of the musical stave and encourage children to write short pieces of music using both instruments and digital apps. Children should be able to transcribe notes by the end of KS2 if given a reasonable starting point and be confident to perform some music using notation. They are also encouraged to recognise the difference between different chords. Children in KS2 are also exposed to different methods of notation including graphic scores.
To listen and review music becoming confident to form an appraisal of pieces of music. To have key knowledge of both composers and performers from all musical genres throughout history.
Throughout the EYFS children at Westwood are taught to recognise and respond to music. They are given the opportunity to use and identify the sounds of different instruments and experiment with making sounds with their own voice and glockenspiel. They are asked to listen to and respond to a variety of music expressing and interpreting their feelings. Children in Yr 1 are encouraged to differentiate between high and low sounds, identify instruments and use movement to express and interpret music. In the EYFS we use some Dalcroze method within the provision. ‘Composer Of the Week’ provides a foundation for learning about music from different genres and different methods of composition.
Teachers are encouraged to pick pieces of music appropriate to the adventures the children are learning about throughout KS1 and KS2 and children are encouraged to write their thoughts on pieces of music down using the inter-related dimensions of music. Children are encouraged to evaluate the structure of Music in KS2 and to help with this they are exposed to a variety of workshops on different types of music as well as having weekly whole class instrumental lessons with Artforms. They are taught to express their feelings about different pieces of music, likes and dislikes.
Wherever possible, our music curriculum is enhanced by trips and visitors as this provides the real life experiences needed for our children and helps bring the curriculum to life. As music is a key driver for a number of adventures children have the opportunity to consolidate their learning within music through a number of subjects. Music and dance has been combined as part of the P.E. curriculum at Westwood giving the children more opportunity for expression within both subjects and this is celebrated in the end of term assemblies.