'what' handwriting

I will be delivering a live phonics lesson at 10.30 for all children to attend. Please have a pen and paper ready for the spelling part of the session.
Please also complete daily spellings, handwriting and any extra phonics games from the phonics game tab on cherry remote learning page.
This week's spellings:
Please practice spellings at home for a short time each day.
A squash and a squeeze

Today, the children are putting items in equal groups. It would be useful to allow the children time to explore this physically e.g. use tins and ask for the tins to be put in groups of 2. How many groups of 2 have we got?
In the workbook, the children need to read the word problem (help may be needed put prompt them to have a go themselves first) then they have to circle the items into groups.
I would like the children to write a factual report about pirates. Begin by finding 3-6 facts about pirates, this may be from the video below or my example report, or even your own research. The write 3 subheadings for your report, these are important as they break up the report and make it easier to read.
It is important the children recognise that a report is factual and based on real life. Therefore, sentences can be basic and simple, adjectives are not hugely important but could be used to help make your point.
On the Island there is to be a wedding! A lovely pair of Native Islanders are getting married and have invited us to the wedding ceremony. Have a look at the videos below and read the story 'A Scarecrow's wedding', we have read this in class so we already know a bit about weddings.
Your task is to describe what you can see at a wedding. Is there a bride and groom or 2 brides or 2 grooms? Where is the wedding ceremony at? Is there bridesmaids and groomsmen? You could even draw a wedding scene and label this to show me what you have found out.