Adventure 1: We All Live in a Yellow Submarine
Our Adventure Song
Meet Seb and Herbert, a spider and hedgehog who are best friends. They dream of travelling the world together. There is just one problem... it is winter and suddenly Herbert falls into a deep sleep! Lost, Seb doesn't know what to do with himself. Seb find somewhere safe to wait? Will Herbert wake up in time? Will
Join us on our adventure across the world and find out what happens to Seb and Herbert.
We met Herbert the hedgehog and learnt all about hibernation. We made hedgehogs that could curl up into a ball to hibernate.
We knew that Herbert wanted to go on holiday somewhere warm because he was sick of hibernating. We looked at other animals that hibernate and where they sleep. We made the perfect places for them to get some rest.

Seb arrived in South America and was travelling along the Amazon River. We had a look at where South America was on maps and then looked at the key features.
The submarine sailed for 2 nights when it arrived in the amazon river in South America. Whilst sailing along, the submarine bumped into a caiman crocodile. The crocodile wasn't very happy about this. He explained to Seb that he was grumpy because he was hungry as he hadn’t been able to catch anything. To say sorry for bumping into the crocodile, Seb said that he would help the crocodile to catch something by weaving a ginormous web.
Seb and Cameron Set off to catch some food in Seb's big web. They sailed over the Atlantic Ocean and caught some fish. We tasted the fish to let them know what was nice to eat.
Seb and Cameron travel through the Pacific Ocean on their journey to Oceania. We did a Burn2Learn and had to find facts about the Pacific Ocean.

After a long journey to Australia, Seb and the crocodile arrive in Sydney. They swim along the river into Darling Harbour. The two of them are beginning to run out of things to talk about and therefore think it would be really fun to see if anyone else wants to join. They decide to create an advert to see if anyone else would want to join the exciting journey! They sit and wait until eventually a kangaroo arrives. We thought about what Kelly the Kangaroo looked like.

Kelly the kangaroo wanted to share the food that the other animals had caught in the ocean. Unfortunately, Kelly's paws were filthy from jumping around the outback. The boys told her about germs and we conducted an experiment to show Kelly the importance of washing her paws properly.

As they began to cross the Southern Ocean, the engines started to judder and shake before stopping completely. The submarine drifted until it hit an iceberg with a penguin sitting on it. The animals asked the penguin for help but the periscope was broken beyond repair! The penguin told us that we would need a new one. We all made a new periscope for the submarine.
Kelly was fed up of the hot weather in Australia and wanted to go somewhere cooler. The kangaroo suggested going somewhere like Antarctica as she heard that it is a lot colder there! We looked at Antarctic on a map and looked at why it was colder than other continents. We found out that is was much further from the equator.
The kangaroo began to drive the submarine again, not sure of where they would end up; but hoping it would be somewhere warmer. The submarine traveled to Asia where the kangaroo couldn't wait to get off the submarine. We looked in our atlas' to see if we could find Asia.

Kelly explained that her legs were hurting and needed to do some bouncing so off she went without the other animals. When she didn't return, the animals became worried and decided that they should go and look for her. We search lots of well known sights in Asia including: the Taj Mahal, Mount Everest and the Dead Sea.

The animals thought it was best to leave Asia as Kelly was terrified! They set off for Africa. We looked to find where Africa was on our map of the world and worked out that they would have to travel across the Indian Ocean.

We then had an African drumming workshop to help us learn more African music. We learnt how to make different sounds by hitting the middle and edge of the drums. We got to use two different types of drums and even got to use traditional bells.