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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Autumn 2: Time Travelling Ted

Ted has woken up in a strange place... when he looks around he sees that everything has changed and the clocks have melted! It turns out, Ted has travelled forward in time. The toys are different, the cars are different, everything is different! Ted decides to go on an adventure to find where he belongs, I wonder who he will meet along the way?

Today we met Ted and wrote our own questions to ask him. We had a go at answering our questions in the hot seat playing the role of Ted.

We had a visit from the pantomime which was amazing! What a lovely way to start the run up to Christmas.

Ted went for a peek inside the Nintendo wii and got sucked up into the mariokart game! We decided to have a go on the race course ourselves. We went to Snowland, Bowser's Castle, Cheep Cheep Reef and Rainbow Road.

In DT, we designed our own cars that we could use on a racetrack. We discussed what equipment we will need and how the car may look.

We had a zoom visit from Abbey House Museum. We were shown lots of old and new toys, including a 200 year old doll! We discussed how we can tell a toy is old and how toys have changed over the years.

In Art today, we explored how we could create texture using coloured pencil. We drew and shaded in Ted and discussed how how we can push the pencil on the paper to change the depth of colour.

In DT, we built our own mariokart cars following our designs. The children selected their own materials and decided where their wheels would go and how they would be attached to ensure they spin on the when on the ground. Have a look at some of our wonderful karts below...

Oliver's kart

Still image for this video

Blake's kart

Still image for this video

Penny's kart

Still image for this video

In History, we created a chronological timeline for old and new toys. We talked about how we know these toys are old or new, and when we thought they may have been created.

We wrote letters to Santa to see if he could help us return Ted to his family. We informed Santa of everything that had happened during his adventure and asked if he could help us.