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Westwood Primary School

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Autumn 2

                 Winter is Coming!

3D rockets

We talked about bonfire night and the fireworks we had seen in the sky.  We looked at pictures of rocket fireworks and made our own 3D models.   We used cylinders, bottles and other craft materials to create and decorate our rockets.

Role Play - Let's build a bonfire

After discussing our own experiences of bonfire night we built our own bonfire in our nursery garden.   We added wooden planks and logs, stacking them high and then pretended we were enjoying the warmth of the fire.  We rubbed our hands together and sang songs as we gathered around the bonfire.

Splatter Paintings

We loved this very messy activity!  We wore bin bags to protect our coats and headed outside where we splattered watered down paint down onto the large sheets of black paper on the ground to make some fabulous firework paintings.  

Counting Fireworks

We counted out fireworks onto our paper, using number names in order to count and say the number of fireworks we had.  We also tried hard to make equal groups of fireworks or say when we have more or less another group.

Firework paintings

After looking at videos and photographs of bright coloured fireworks we had fun making our own paintings using different techniques.  Some of our paintings were created by blowing runny paint through a straw to make it move in different directions, others were made by squeezing paint onto paper through a syringe,  this was great fun.  We then sprinkled glitter on to make the fireworks shimmer and sparkle.

After the Storm


We read the story 'After The Storm' by Nick Butterworth. 


Hedgehog Art

We Read the story 'After The Storm' by Nick Butterworth. We used this book as inspiration to be able to paint a hedgehog picture. First we spread the brown paint and then we used a fork to create the prickles and spikes.

Habitat Building 

In the story 'After the Storm' the big oak tree feel over during the storm and the animals no longer had a home. The children used junk modelling materials to make a habitat so that the animals could hibernate during the winter.

Oak Tree Paintings

We have been learning about acorns and oak trees. We know that Percy the Park Keeper planted an acorn so we made a painting of an oak tree using our handprints, fingerprints and our arms. The results were amazing.

Counting the squirrel's conkers

We have been learning about squirrels and that they gather conkers so they are not hungry during the winter months. We counted how many conkers the squirrel had counted.

One Snowy Night

We read the story One Snowy Night and completed activites inspired by the book.

One Snowy Night Writing

The children read the story One Snowy Night. They used this for inspiration for their writing. The children drew the hedgehog from the story. 

Snowmen Feet

After reading One Snowy Night the children created their own winter scene with a snowman on it. The children said it tickled their feet.

Hedgehog Biscuits

We used the story 'One Snowy Night' as inspiration for our baking. We used our motor skills to mix the ingredients and decorate the cooked biscuits.

Here are the end results:

Playdough Hedgehogs

The children used their fine motor skills to be able to place uncooked spaghetti in the playdough hedgehog that they had made. The spaghetti was used to make the prickles and spikes.

Here is a display of our work based on the book 'One Snowy Night':

Stick Man

We have been reading the story Stick Man by Julia Donaldson. We have completed many activities inspired by this story.

Drawing in the Mud

The children drew in 'Mud'. They children wrote their name, drew pictures and also made different lines and circles. The children thought the mud was funny because it smelt like chocolate!


The children made calendars and learnt why we have calendars.

We made our own stick people

We chose a stick and cut up pieces of collage materials to give the sticks arms and legs, we stuck on two eyes to make our own stick person.

Saving stick man

Stick man was stuck in the frozen ice. We chipped away at the ice with spoons and then rubbed salt into the ice block to make it melt.  After a couple of hours, we managed to rescue stick man and set him free!