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Adventure 5 - The Very Last Castle

This term our adventure follows Ibb! Every day she walks past a castle, dying to go and take a peak inside. Unfortunately there's a guard who won't let her in. This term we are going to help Ibb get inside the castle to see what lives in there!

Our first job to get Ibb into the castle is going to be to try and get past the guard. Luckily for us, he stopped by in our playground! We tried really nicely to find out some information for Ibb and even asked the guard if we could go inside his castle. He said no but we won't stop trying!


We have decided to write a letter to the guard, asking to take a peak and promising not to ruin anything in the castle! 

In RE this term we are learning about religious symbols. For our first lesson, it was important we found out what a symbol was and why they are used. We looked at lots of different symbols from lots of different local groups. We picked out why the symbols look like they do, the colours they are and what they include and why. We then had a go at designing a symbol for Blossom class!


In Art this term we are looking at the artist Paul Klee. He uses 2D shapes to create images of castles. We spent the first lesson exploring some of Paul Klee's work and had a go at using some 2D shapes to create our own pictures!

This week in Writing, we have been looking at poetry. We started looking at a poem called 'The Castle on the Hill.' 

We picked out all of the adjectives from the poem and came up with some of our own to describe the castle from our story. We then wrote our own poems using these adjectives.

These are some of our adjectives!

Here are some of our poems.

In RE, we used our learning from last week about symbols and applied it to look at some religious symbols. We learnt what they were called and which religion they are associated with.

In Art, we extended our learning from last week and looked at how we could use Paul Klee's work to mimic a piece of his work using the ideas we talked about last time. We thought carefully about the shapes and lines we were using.

This week in our Writing lessons, we have been working on our editing skills and uplevelling our sentences. We edited in capital letters, full stops, changed spellings and thought of more impressive adjectives to make our sentences better!

In RE, we used our knowledge of religious symbols from last week to create a leaflet in our books! 

In RSHE, we learnt about the roles and responsibilities we have at school and at home. We looked at similarities and differences between the two and how we can be good citizens at home and school!

We then looked at different scenarios to help us understand what it means to be cooperative with others. We then acted out some of the scenarios.


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In Music we learnt a song!


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Our Castle Trip!

On Friday, we visited Skipton Castle. We learnt all about different parts of the castle and saw lots of the things we have been talking about throughout our adventure already.

Look at some of the photos of what we got up to :)

We wrote a recount of our trip to Skipton Castle. We used time adverbials and joined our sentences with ‘and’.

In Computing, we went on a hunt round the school to see what technology we could find. We then came back and chose icons on Purple Mash to show what we had found.

In Writing, we have been writing our own endings to ‘The Very Last Castle’. First we drew what we thought Ibb would find inside the castle and wrote some adjectives to describe it.

In RSHE, we thought about the things that make us special. We spent time in a circle telling each other why we thought they were special. We then thought about what makes ourselves special. We drew a picture of ourselves and write the special things round the edge. 

In Geography, we learnt about different castles and where they were located in the United Kingdom.