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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Hi my name is François!

Or as we say in French - Salut je m'appelle François!



I am so excited to be joining you all on your Adventures.

I love being able to speak different languages and I can’t wait to help you to learn my favourite language, French.

When you can speak to someone in their own language it helps you to understand them, and the country that they come from, far better. I can help you to find out lots about France – it’s a wonderful place!

There are loads of amazing things to see and do. I can take you on a tour of Paris and show you the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame and the Sacre Coeur, just to name a few.

I can show you the snowy mountains of the French Alps and all the great winter sports that you can enjoy there. We can head to the sunny Cote D’Azur, to see all the fun at the beach, and see some of the incredible festivals we have in France.

I bet you all love cakes – well France is famous for its amazing pâtisserie and I would love to give you a chance to taste some.

It is so exciting to learn about another country and when you can speak the language of that country, it is so much more fun.

I know lots of French stories and songs that I can teach you, to help you to remember new words and phrases and then you’ll be able to teach these to your family and friends too!

When you learn a foreign language you’re not just practicing grammar, spelling and vocabulary. I bet you didn’t know that it actually increases your brain power! It helps you to improve your problem solving skills, boosts your memory capacity and increases your self-confidence!

It also gives you a better understanding of the world that we live in. Finding out about different countries and cultures makes us more sensitive and understanding of the different ways people live and think.

So, come and enjoy all the amazing things I can teach you about La France.

A bientôt!