Our guided reading text for this term is ‘This is our world’. The book explores similarities and differences in our everyday lives across the globe. We will be working closely on our inference skills whilst learning about other ways of life.
Spring 2
Some of the reading skills we have been focusing on so far are…
Spring 1
During Spring 1, we have been reading the book ‘Great Women of the World.’ We have learnt about all the women who have been so influential in our world including Mary Anning, Jane Austen and Marie Curie. You can see some of the work we have been doing on the book below and some of the Year 3 skills that have been covered.
Autumn 2
In Autumn 2, our main text has been the story ‘Sleepovers’ by Jaqueline Wilson.
We have been looking at the poem ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas.’ We talked about it in detail and took turns reading different verses with expression.
Autumn 1
In Reading, we have been reading the Enchanted Wood by Enid Blyton. We have covered a variety of skills in this including inference, retrieval and summarising.
Autumn 2
We have been reading the book Sleepovers by Jaqueline Wilson. We started by making some predictions about what we thought the book was going to be about.

We then started making some connections to help us relate to the characters in the story - Connect to self, connect to text and connect to world.