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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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Staff Voice

Following our most recent Ofsted inspection, recall of times tables and number facts was identified as an area for development. Before introducing any new strategies, we gathered the thoughts of teachers on times tables. The results can be seen below. 

After introducing a weekly dedicated arithmetic lesson in Years 1-5, teachers were asked how effective they thought they had been. The responses can bee seen below.

A focus at Westwood in maths is the use of mathematical vocabulary. In September 2022, we introduced some new strategies to encourage children (and teachers) to use mathematical language accurately and to give answers in full sentences. In November, teachers and TAs were asked how well this was working in their classes and the results can be seen below. The questions were repeated in Summer 1 to see how responses had improves. The results can also be seen below. 

Teachers and teaching assistants were asked about their experiences of maths at Westwood. The responses were positive overall and can be seen by clicking on the links below. They were also asked about the impact TT Rockstars was having on the children in their class. These results can also be seen below.