In My Garden
This morning we followed a mysterious mud trail outside!
It led us to a parcel! But there was no name on it?
Where had it come from? Who was it for?

We were so excited! We couldn't wait to see what was inside!
Reenie and William opened it up and inside there was:
a Superworm book
a note from Superworm
and a wormery!
Superworm wanted us to look after some of his friends.

Later on, we found another note from Superworm asking us if we could help find the perfect place for him.
He said he really liked the mud but would also like some flowers.
We set off on a walk around school to see if there was anywhere suitable...

We then had a closer look at some flowers in class, looking more closely at the flower, stem, leaf and roots.
We then labelled the main parts of a plant ourselves.

On Monday, we received a post card from Superworm! He had flown all the day to Kenya in the beak of a birds mouth! He had also sent us a book called Handa's Surprise to read.
We enjoyed reading the book and heard names of fruits we hadn't heard before!

We decided to do some fruit tasting to see which fruits we liked and didn't like. We talked about what they looked like, what they smelt like, the different textures of them and how they tasted.

We then drew pictures and wrote about the different fruits we liked.

We thought it would be interesting to learn more about the culture in Africa. We then looked at Tinga Art and African style music, having a go ourselves.
It was time to set our Worm Gardens up so we went on a search to find some of Superworm's friends. We dug down into the mud to find them. Once we had collected them we made sure their garden would be nice for them by making sure the soil was damp and there was food for them to eat.

We wanted to find out some more information about worms so we did some research using a non-fiction book. We found out lots of interesting facts!
Our favourites were:
"if an enemy bites the head off of a worm, it can sometimes grow back"
"worms have 5 pairs of hearts"
We did some writing to help us remember this new information to share with others.

On Monday we went to the farm! It was so exciting going on the minibus there. As we walked around we saw lots of animals and a home for minibeasts. Maybe Superworm would like to live there?
There was also some vegetables planted in the ground. They had lots of big leaves. We talked about what might be growing.

When we returned to school, we read the book Oliver's Vegetables. There were lots of different vegetables planted in his garden. It also looked like a very nice home for Superworm with lots of soil. (We also know that worm poo, helps vegetables to grow)
We decided that we would write a letter to Oliver to see if Superworm could live in the vegetable garden...

Whilst we wait for his reply, we were interested in trying different flavoured vegetable soups. Some were yummy, whilst others not so much...
Have a look at our writing to see which soups we enjoyed.

On Friday, we were very excited! Oliver rung us and we had a video call! We got to ask him lots of questions about himself as well as his garden to see if it would be the perfect home for Superworm.
After our call, we decided collectively that this would be the perfect new home for Superworm.
This morning we started our learning about Easter by reading the Easter Story.
We we’re interested to find out that Jesus died on a cross but then rose from the dead!
Afterwards we were very good at sequencing the story events.
Today we have a circle time on how we celebrate Easter in our homes. Lots of us were very excited about the Easter Bunny because he brings us chocolate eggs.
We then had a go at designing our own Easter eggs and writing about our designs.
Take a look below.