Good Morning

Bug Club
Log in to your bug club account and ready one of the books in your library.
If you have forgotten your log in details please email
Phonics - n-n-n net
Listen to the phonics lesson below on the sound 'n'. Can you practise 'n' by drawing, painting or writing it. You could write it in a tray of salt sugar or rice to make it a little bit more exciting. Why don't you try going on an 'n' hunt in your house or garden. I look forward to seeing your work on Tapestry.
Phonics lesson

Part 2

Part 3

Let's get Active
Today for your active activity we are going to do some stretching and mindfulness. It is important that we exercise our minds as well as our bodies. Click the link below to take part in kids yoga. I hope you enjoy it. Ask your grown up to take a picture and put it onto your tapestry account.
Red Words
Some words we can not be sounded out and we just need to be able to sight read them. Watch the video and then ask an adult to write the words on pieces of paper or card and see if you can read them as quickly as you can.
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Read these sentences with the red word in.
Today you could write the words onto pieces of paper and put them up on your fence or wall outside. Use a wet cloth or sponge to try and aim at the word. When you've hit the word shout it out as loud as you can.
This weeks spellings are:
Story Time

Writing Activity
Today I want you to write instructions to Paelontologist Penny. When we discovered the dinosaur egg we found lots of slime around it. Penny is confused and would like you to make a slime to show her exactly what it was like.
Can you make a slimy potion using different lotions, creams, bubble bath. When you have made your potion write exactly what you used in it so Penny can make the same thing too.