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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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World War 2 Adventure

A Wartime Tale

Our second adventure has been based on a story called 'A Wartime Tale.' This has given us the opportunity to explore the impact the Second World War had on our country and it provided us with lots of exciting ways to explore this. This has included doing some Drama work based on 'The Blitz' and being able to create our own Anderson Shelters!

Air Raid Shelters

Something which really interested us during the adventure, was how people spent time living in Air Raid Shelters during the war. We decided to design our own Air Raid Shelter, by coming up with a list of different equipment, including some items we picked from our field...

Afterwards, we made our Air Raid Shelters and tested their strength by putting different objects on top of them. Most of them survived!


Wartime Food

At the end of our adventure, we made some delicious wartime food and invited all the parents to come in and try this. We considered that a lot of the food during the war would have been rationed, so came up with some ingredients that we would be able to use.