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Progression in Phonics

Progression in Early Years phonics


 Formal phonics teaching begins in the Spring Term of   Nursery, when children are introduced to the large RWI   picture cards and told a word which has the initial sound.   The children then look and listen to different words which   have the same initial sound. This is to familiarise the   children with the picture cards so they're ready to   recognise, read and write sounds when they enter   reception. Phonics in Nursery is always fun and   interactive and children get so much pleasure from   recognising their letter and sounds. 









The children then look and listen to different words which have the same initial sound.

In Reception phonics teaching starts as soon as the children start school. In the first couple of weeks as the children settle into school life we play a lot of sound talk games and introduce the children to our phonics mascot, Fred the frog. With Fred the children listen to sounds and blend it together to make words. One of our favourites is What's in Fred's Fridge, they listen to sounds and orally blend them together e.g. h-a-m, ch-ee-se, m-i-l-k.


After the first couple of weeks when all of the children have started we introduce our Read, Write Inc lessons. The children learn a new sound each week. Say it, hear it, write it. 


Set 1 sounds


The children have a guide writing sticker to support them, they then have a go at writing the letter on their own. 




After the first 5 letters children start to write words such as mat, map, sit, sat etc. we only ever use the sounds the children have already been introduced to. At this point children are expected to write on the line. 



Special Friends

The children are then introduced to special friends which is when more than 1 letter makes 1 sound such as sh, th, ng, ch. The children are supported with a guide to ensure correct formation and asked to write the sound on their own a line. 
















As they progress their formation noticeably improves and they're required to write more than 1 word.

They're then asked to use the sound in a word, again writing on the line.



Set 2 sounds

Once all of Set 1 sounds are learnt the children move onto Set 2 where they exposed to more special friends. The children no longer require a guide for their letter formation and instead write words with the sound of the day in.