Parental Involvement
The school have invested in an online learning app called Tapestry which is used in hundreds of schools throughout the UK and it allows parents to have a closer relationship with their child's learning. This has enabled us to show you as parents or carers what your child gets up to during the day, from lunch times to snack time to set activities and playing outside. It is for the teacher to upload observations that are carried out daily in the classroom to show a variety of different activities linked to the early years curriculum. It is also for parents or carers to upload different activities or walks or crafts that are done at home so the teacher can see what the children get up to away from school. We love seeing these especially.
Please keep checking for updates about your child and we will keep checking for updates about your children from home. We can't wait to see them!
Every half term (before Covid) we invited parents into school to show them what we had been up to that half term. Unfortunately due to the current climate, we cannot do this at the moment but we are thinking of different ways that we can involve you more in your children's learning.
Thank you for understanding.