Hello Nursery, I am so gutted that we haven't been able to start the term back in school and I will miss seeing all of your smiling happy faces every day. But we have lots of fun activities planned for you to have a go at at home and please send them in to us via tapestry or the email address as we really would love to see them! We will be giving you lots of ideas, some dinosaur themed, some not dinosaur themed and we hope you enjoy them.
Mrs Gray
Please make sure you check back towards the beginning of the week as this is where our book of the week will be shown and some questions alongside this. There are also more activities for those children who attend nursery every day.
We love singing in Nursery and encourage it at all times. One of our favourite songs is 'Dinosaur, dinosaur turn around.' Can you have a go at learning it at home and maybe you could video yourselves singing it and send it to us?

Counting objects
(Resources needed: objects to count - dinosaurs, toys, cereal, fruit, sweets)
Can you practise your counting today and have a go at counting a selection of objects? Can you touch each object and say the number for each item you count. (up to 5 objects first, then 10)


Physical Development
(Resources needed: a ball)
How can you move your ball around? Can you move it with your hands or your feet or both? Can you throw the ball to an adult playing with you? Can you hold your hands out and catch a ball? (larger balls are easier for the children to catch)

Ball Skills

Fine motor skill patterns
(Resources needed: Paper, pencil, different coloured pen, paint, cotton buds (optional))
This activity is brilliant fun and it is really good for practising your fine motor skills and your pen grip. Have a look at the video below to find out more. I cannot wait to see some of the final pieces of work!