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Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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The Mysterious Mayan Mystery

The Mysterious Mayan Adventure AD900


We have already begun our first exciting adventure to discover about the ancient Mayan civilisation.  we will be travelling back in time with a famous explorer to learn all about the Mayan way of life and have so far found out where they lived.  What happens next is top secret  but we will keep you updated on here!

After travelling back in time to visit the Mayans, we decided to make a Mayan headdress using feathers and other craft materials.  We designed how we would like the headdress to look before we started to make it.  When we had finished, we evaluated our finished products!
After travelling back in time to visit the Mayans, we decided to make a Mayan headdress using feathers and other craft materials.  We designed how we would like the headdress to look before we started to make it.  When we had finished, we evaluated our finished products!

Mayan Work in Class 5/P

Mayan Heiroglyphs

After studying the Mayan heiroglyphs, we made our own out of clay. 

Trip to Cabury World - Monday 16th October 2017


Our class had a FANTASTIC day visiting Birmingham's Cadbury World.  After an extremely long but well-behaved journey we arrived at Cadbury World and followed an amazing path to discover how the Mayan were involved with the production of chocolate.  Along the path, there were a couple of rides and a very informative lesson about the Mayan people. Once the lesson had finished we had a quick moment to let our hair down at the  playpark before boarding the coach back to Leeds. Have a look at the pictures below!

Mayan Presentation- a celebration with parents of our work!