Adventure 1 - A Pinch of Magic
Our adventure this half term is all about the circus as we are reading the story "Leon and the place between." We take a trip into a black box and discover a spectacular, new, magical world! I wonder what we will find there...
For our writing hook we went to the hall and pretended we were at the circus. We went on a tightrope, became a ring master, jumped through hoops and tried to juggle.

In Music we looked at what a beat is. We played "When the ants go marching in" and had so much fun marching around school keeping to the beat! We were then given different instruments and created our own music.
We looked at the work of Giuseppe and thought about how he made faces out of fruit. We decided to make our own self portraits out of food you would find at the circus, to link in with our topic! We had strawberry laces hair, popcorn eyes and candy floss smiles.

We designed, created and evaluated our own binoculars. When we visit the circus we will be sat so far away we want to make sure that we can still see! Look how they turned out below..
We thought about what a carnivore and herbivore was. We played an activity where we had to think about what the animal would like to eat for his lunch, then we had to sort it into the correct group. We then drew our own animals and said if they were a carnivore or herbivore.

We looked at who David Attenborough was and how he helped the world and animals. We then spoke about what he did and why he was great!





We had a think about the seasons and how we know what season we are in now. We went outside and found brown leaves on the floor. We spoke about how this means they’re dead and it is becoming autumn.


We had so much fun creating our own clown faces!