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Westwood Primary School home page

Westwood Primary School

'If you believe you can do it, you can and you will!'

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A big hello to my wonderful new class, starting in September! I can't wait to meet all of you. This page has been set up to get you used to the new classroom you will be in and there will also be a few activities for you to do before you start. 
I would love if you could draw a picture of yourself, you can decorate it however you wish. Then, if you could label / caption around it who your friends are, likes and interests. This would make a fantastic display for the first week back :) 

Below is a video of your new classroom, you'll have to excuse how it looks - we're getting ready to pack everything away to make it all lovely again for you. A few things you will have in your new classroom are;

 - a sand tray

- water tray

- art area

- construction area 

- role play 

- writing 

- maths 

- phonics 

- mud kitchen 

- stage