Tuesday 19th Jan
We are continuing to look at division but this time looking more closely at the bus stop method. We will recap the methods that we looked at yesterday during the live lesson and then discuss how we could work out larger division calculations using the new method. We will go through some examples together on the live lesson and I will upload these underneath. You will then independently work through your guided practice and workbook before moving onto your journaling question.
Children's work- C-Jay
Guided reading:
Another visualisation lesson. Today we will be looking at how the Iron Man was created, what he looks like and what he's made out of based on what the author has told us and helped us visualise so far. We will discuss this is the live lesson before you go onto your independent task. Your independent task is to come up with a set of instructions on how to build your own robot thinking about the what you will need sections and the steps you would need to take. Make sure you include any special features your creation might have. Once you have done this, you may draw your final design and send me your work.
Within writing this week, we are going to be doing a biography about Charles Darwin. This is why it is extremely important that you do the adventure lessons this week. Today, we will be looking at the genre of a biography and the common features that occur in this type of writing. There are checklists and genre mats underneath to help you. During the live lesson, we will discuss the key features and the vocab that we could include within our own writing before you carry out your independent task. This is to come up with an opening question for your biography that will be catchy for the reader and then come up with a list of key events that happened in Darwin's life that you can continue to write about. Don't forget to send me your writing so far and we will continue as the week goes on.
Watch the video and look through the information about Charles Darwin's journey on HMS Beagle where they found out about his theory of evolution and natural selection. Then, on the map plot the journey and out a dot at the different points he stopped at. Choose 3 locations which he stopped at on the journey and research some facts about that place.