Local History Week
The start of local history week was celebrated with an assembly regarding the local history of Middleton and Leeds and how it has changed over time.
During ‘Local History Week’ the children learnt about Middleton, Leeds and Yorkshire and researched information about the important places, people and events that have occurred throughout history in the area that they live. They explored reasons to be proud of theri community. The children learnt about areas in and around Middleton, Leeds and Yorkshire to find out lots more about the history of where they live and how this has changed over time and the impact it has had on the lives of the people living in Middleton, Leeds and Yorkshire. Many great achievements have occurred in our local area. Some significant people dared to dream of a better world, believed in themselves and achieved great success! A few examples include: The Oldest railway- Middleton Railway was established to transport coal, an English engineer called John Blenkinsop Lived in Middleton Hall on Town Street (this burnt down in 1962 and is now modern housing)and he invented the first practical railway locomotive and Michael Sadler put forward the ten-hour bill after seeing the terrible conditions children faced working in the mills of Leeds.