Welcome to Willow class!
After proving our potential as witches and wizards, we were invited by Professor Dumbledore to extend our stay and remain at Hogwarts until the end of the year - continuing this incredibly popular adventure for another seven weeks!
During these last few weeks of the school year, we have a lot to look forward to:
- Many of the Year 6s are off on our new residential to Herd Farm.
- The Year 6 trip to Flamingo land.
- Rehearsals for the End of Year Show are steaming ahead.

Let's meet the team:

Willow's Star of the Week was Isabelle. Well Done!
This week, the winner of the Tolerance Award was Halle.
Well Done!
Key information about Willow class:
P.E.: Willow will have P.E. on a Tuesday and Friday. Please make sure P.E. kit is in school on these days.
Spellings: Spellings will be given out on a Friday every 2 weeks. Children will be sent home with 20 spellings to learn. They will have their first test the Thursday after they go home. Then a week after that they will have a second test. In this test they will try to beat their first score.
Homework: In Willow homework will be given out every Friday for it to be returned the following Tuesday. Children will be given homework text books for Maths, Reading and SPAG. They will also have an optional piece of homework that will be based on the current adventure.
Times Tables: Children will have a times tables test every Thursday. They will then find out which times table they will need to practice for the following week. To read more about the times tables test go to Key Information > Curriculum > Times Tables.
Reading: This year we will continue to have an individual reading lesson on a Friday. Reading books need to be read and back in school on a Tuesday.