Week 7 Activities
Day 1 - Art
As you all know the NHS have been working hard making sure everyone is being looked after in hospitals. They have been doing such an amazing job, I thought that today you could make them a poster or a thank-you card letting them know how amazing they are! Look at the example below for some inspiration.
Day 2 - Art / Writing
I’m missing seeing all of your lovely happy faces all the time so I thought you could create a self portrait of yourself! Try and take your time drawing, make sure you draw with a pencil and not crayons! See if you can label your features and if you really want to impress me, write about what each part of your body is used for. Think about your senses!
Day 3 - Maths
Can you split these numbers up below? See if you can split it into the tens and ones!
Day 4 - Geography
I know that you are all amazing at knowing the continents and you all sound super when singing the continents song. What I would like you to do today is practise the song, see how many continents you can remember. Then, have a go at making your own map with the continents on them. Try and label them!
Day 5 - DT
I think it's going to be nice weather today - the weather forecast better not be tricking me! I want you to make the most of the sunshine, go outside and build yourself a fairy or elf house. Look at the pictures below to get inspiration.