Class 1/2
Welcome to Class 1/2!
Miss Shaw and Miss Penny welcome you to our class page where you will be able to keep up to date with our new adventure and find out any key dates and information.
Summer 2
The Great Barn Disaster!
This half term, we have lots of important decisions to make. What should we do with a barn that people want to knock down? What about the animals living inside? How do we stop anti-social behaviour if we don't knock it down?
Find out below what we decide to do!
Summer 1
We're off to See the Wizard!
This half term we have been recruited to save fairy tale land!
Click on the link below to find out what we have been up to!
Spring 2
A Giant World
We are getting ready to start our new adventure called 'A giant world'. Throughout this adventure we will be meeting a range of different animals who are going to be helping us learn about different plants and wildlife. We will be looking at different parts of a plant, lifecycles of different animals and how different fruits and vegetables are grown.
Make sure to check our school website to keep updated with all the exciting things we will be getting up to!
Spring 1
Space Rescue
Our new adventure - 'space rescue' has begun! The children have become part of Neil Armstrong's space rescue mission and will face challenges in which they will need to overcome over the next half term! We will be meeting significant individuals on our space rescue and learning through them, some key events from within history.
Please keep checking our school's website to keep updated on how our adventure is unfolding...
Alien deterrent potion...
In maths, we were given a special mission! It was our job to carefully follow a recipe to accurately measure out different ingredients for our special potion that would help us beat the aliens!
3D base camp map!
Let's learn how to put on a bandage!
After Neil Armstrong was injured on our mission, Florence Nightingale came to the rescue and helped us by teaching us some first aid, in case any more injuries occurred! We learnt how to put on a bandage and then wrote a set of instructions to inform others!
Firefighter visit!
Time Travelling Ted
Welcome to our new adventure!
This half term the children will be embarking on a time travelling adventure, where they will step back in time to find out all about toys through the ages.
Mario Kart Vehicles.
Our Salvador Dali clay melting clocks!
Waterproof Materials experiment.
PE: We have PE every Monday and Thursday. Please ensure your child brings an indoor and weather appropriate outdoor PE kit with them every week as lessons may vary. You may choose to leave their PE bag on their pegs.
Reading Books: The children are to return their current reading book along with their reading record to school each Thursday for books to be changed.
Important Dates
Parents evening: Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th November
School Photographs: Wednesday 15th November
Christmas Fayre: Thursday 7th December
KS1 Christmas play: Wednesday 13th December
Break up for Christmas: Friday 15th December