Lower KS2: Egypt Explorers
In Lower Key Stage Two, they journeyed to Egypt for their adventure to learn all about how to Ancient Egyptians lived. They saw a breaking news headline saying that all the important artefacts from the British Museum had been stolen! They decided that they must help bring back these ancient artefacts so they hopped into their TARDIS and travelled right back to ancient civilisation of Egypt. The children first wrote recounts of this incredible journey.
They journeyed down the River Nile, Imagineering what it would have been like. They then wrote setting descriptions and adverts for river cruises. They also created 3D models of what the Nile looked like to go alongside their descriptions.
They went to see the pyramids and imagineered crawling through the passageways and what it would have been like having to build them by hand. They also went outside to imaginer this. They wrote non-chronological reports about how the pyramids were built and a letter home to their families about this experience.
When they reached the tomb inside the pyramid, they discovered a ‘mummy’. They learnt about the process of mummification – even wrapping each other up to see what it was like. They then wrote instructions to explain the process.
They also found lots of ancient artefacts in the tomb and wanted to re-create some, so did so using clay. They then wrote an advert for their pot and completed a product evaluation.
In the tomb they saw lots of drawings of Egyptian gods so decided to write character descriptions of them.